Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Tough Training

Brought Ima together with me for my state physical training. She was really happy to be on the road again, with some rain, she played like a little child. Happy and cheerful. =) I always feel proud bringing her out. I feel like a proud 'dad' cum owner. Feels good when we go fast together!

I estimated to reach Metro Park within 30minutes, but because of the rain and a break from riding. I took 5 minutes extra to reach my destination. I was partially wet and smelly when I got there. =x Saw Coach Ed and the team assembled at the foyer. I would like to call that, the Fellowship of the Physical Training.

Started with 50-100 star jumps as warm up > lunges > push ups > crunches > bridge > rojak of everything. As for me, the hardest is the push ups. I could feel my hold body trembling when we did the last 10 slow push ups. Further to that, I had teammates that were making funny noises which adds on to the work out. It became harder because laughing requires energy and it got me distracted. But it was fun time. =P

The thing that I like about yesterday's training was, I could feel pain and all without any fancy equipment. You can do a hardcore workout at home if you're discipline enough. That's independent culture. With me quitting my gym membership, I have to be more discipline to train at home. Let's see how it goes.

Journey back was suffering!

[18K + PT + 17K]

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