Monday, 4 January 2010

New Post

I've click 'New Post' and close this window for more than a dozen times already. Every time I type something, I just backspace backspace backspace till the page is empty again. Sometimes, I wish my life could be like this. All you need to do is just click the delete history and you're brand new. ha! But unfortunately, this NEVER happen in reality.

The good thing about this is, you're who you are today because of yesterday. I also learned that, 'If you fail to change, you'd fail to learn. If you fail to learn, you'd fail to change.' My 2010 did not start that well. =) BUT I know and I am determine to be changed! To be different. And this takes a lot of insane courage.

I believe your past/history does play an important role and even if you suck last time, you should appreciate those sucky moments you've been through. Of course there may be moments/occasions that you regret in your life but He has His purpose in our lives. I remembered Form 4 was the best time of my life!!! Sucky results but that is moment I want to go back to. Full of fun and no discrimination among people.

I am 24 this year, not getting any younger as the day past. I'm taking life, relationships, responsibilites, commitments, training more seriously.

[43k bike + BP]

1 comment:

Tim said...

Nice post! Can't agree more with you on this!