Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Physical vs Emotional Pain

Again...last night's state physical training was torturous. Running alone was bad enough but I pushed the extra mile to bring Ima along. She loves watching me train. =) My loyal ever faithful supporter. She's getting a bit 'sick', should take her to the 'doctor' soon.

It was my first time at the Metropolitan Park, Relau. New environment and challenges are waiting ahead. Didn't know what to expect but if coach wants us there, he has his reasons. He gave a short briefing on the route and off we go. 30 minutes of slow/medium intensity running with steep slope and stairs (which hurts) and 5x short sprint all out.

After training and a free refill from Dawn, I quickly rushed back home and cycled Ima as fast as I could. I was looking forward to meeting you...but...

[Love has the ability to destroy or to build you + 34K bike + love is not my thing]

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