Yesterday I forced myself to make a run to Gurney and back which is about 8K. Furthermore the weather was just perfect, nice cool breeze with an after rain aroma in the air. The view from Gurney drive was rewarding as well. And oh ya!!! I saw a husky! So so cool!
Anyway, back to my run. My calves were really tight after the 4K mark. It forced me to take a few stops to stretch and loosen those muscles. I really dislike this feeling. It breaks the momentum but I guess my body were not conditioned enough after a long break. Thank goodness, my 'engine' is still in optimal condition.
Question. Have you ever feel like you needed to stop running and take a break even though you're just half way through your run? How do you overcome this and finish strong? Is it the mental or the physical?
Answer. Evaluate your determination. Look inside yourself and find that 'man' within you. How much you have it will determine how hard you train. The harder you train, the stronger you get up in the head and your body.
Based on a true story. This boy, bugs me like nothing after my badminton match. He said, 'Let's go to Bukit Dumbar, if we're late, Sam is gonna kill us.' I was like, 'Relax la, I just finish my match, still tired le.' But he keep insisting that we go. So I gave in and took him over there. When we got there, the Inne guys were all done and it started to rain. You could see the word 'disappointed' written all over his face.
Even before going there, he has already established in his mind that he wanted to train. He wanted it so badly that he wanted to run in the run after eating Char Bee Hoon. Ain't that insane courage? But of course, we stopped him.
It was time for the rest to go home but he insisted to stay still the rain stop. I accompanied him. As soon it stop, he went out and made his lap. He was like a happy child being able to play! That is what training means to him. What is yours?
Be inspired
[8K @ 10.7km/h & a clean Ima]
1 comment:
oh my..Jason is a real inspiration even in such young age!! Have a lot to learn from him...
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